Scary shit
Technically, Obama is the head military officer. What would you expect if you were ever caught talking shit about your boss and then got caught later? Same thing in this situation. I don't think this is a stomp on free speech. It's just part of discipline in the military that you respect your superior officers and hold your tongue.
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So it would be wrong for the German soldiers to speak up against Hitler? That makes zero sense. Thats the problem. You shouldnt EVER have any respect for authority figures
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I'm not saying it's wrong or right. I'm just saying how it is. If you're in the military and criticize a superior officer, expect to see repercussions.
First rule of the military is you have to respect your superiors, even if they are batshit insane.
"Rule #1: Always respect your superiors even if they are batshit insane."
- U.S. Military Handbook, Page 1.
Plus if Obama didnt fire him, he would look like a faggot who can't control his genrals and then everybody would start calling him president faggot and nobody would invite him to parties anymore and he would be sad.
Blindly following someone ahead of you because they have a higher bullshit rank is just that, bullshit. Its what leads to genocides and terror. What a joke. You do the right thing, regardless
But then I read that this jack off wanted Obama to INCREASE troops?!?! WTF? At first I thought he was saying they shouldnt be there but then I read that and realized just how fucked up society truly is
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The millitary is a tyranny, and it always will be. It's neccecary for them to do their job.
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lol what will the turds on rsdnation do?
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Obama isn't insane, he's a traitor. The military should stand up to him. Keep McChrystlal. Better, send Obama to Gitmo so he can hang out his raghead friends.
Obama reminds me of one of a PUA/NLP guru, like Ross Jefries. He's manipulative and acts like a faggot, just like most gurus.